Wednesday, May 13, 2009

MARKETING Series: 6 Steps to Successful Target Marketing

A Short Overview to Help Begin the Discussion About Target Markets


Is your product (either tangible or service) for absolutely everybody? Probably not. Focusing on who the “target” buyers will be is the first step in discovery. If you have a micro small business with a retail brick and mortar location, discover who in the neighbor has been trading with you and you may be on your way of understanding your target market. If you have a cyber business, discover who it is that is going to your site, how long do they stick, what pages are of interest and you begin the process of discovery. Discovery is simply being aware.

One client noted that those people who came to her for financial advice seem to fall in these categories:
  • Newly married
  • People in relationships but not married
  • Female recent college graduates
  • Divorced women
  • Single moms
  • Females in the workplace
  • Women in management
What do you discover when you look at that list? Hint: She now had a focus for her practice that she had not articulated.

IF you need some objective, 3rd party help in working through your target markets, click here – the initial contact is FREE.


Please, share your journey of the Discover process by using the comment section for this blog. These questions are only thought-starters: you may have something else to share.

Have you determined your target market(s)?

What did you learn in the process?

What was the result (what changed)?

What advice do you have for others who need to do this?

Copyright ©2009 by P. Griffith Lindell

1 comment:

  1. Griff,

    This is so important, to many are ready to jump in with both feet into starting a venture without first doing their homework.

    But, discovery goes way beyond just your market. The process of discovery should also involvee your competition, and your self.

    Many will go into business, without truly understanding whether they or even of the temperment to be in business for themselves.

    Good thought provoking post.


